Never live a life of extremes. Don’t invest yourself in any way, in extremes. The secret to a happy life is balance. And balance is what that keeps us going.
Many of us today, are living a life of extremes. And this may be regarding anything. It can be related to our work schedules, our diets, our lifestyle, our greed and expectations from life and people, our ambition, our social media presence or involvement, our image in society, it can be even about our faith or the practices in the name of faith, it can be about our belief system, or simply our response to life and its various situations where extreme euphoria or extreme sadness can engulf us. And this is very unhealthy! For not only does such extreme behaviour destroy our physical wellbeing, it also destroys our spirit. So, all we need to do is work on this and ensure that we lead a life of balance.
And any such balance is achieved when we stop living unconsciously and start paying greater attention to the self. When we let our head and the heart have equal participation in decision making or in the choice of our pursuits, in how we live this life, the dos and the don’ts, the responses etc. It comes with living life patiently and wisely; and not compulsively or in great hurry.
Remember, balance creates peace and from peace comes happiness. A life of extremes is a peaceless life and therefore an unhappy one.